Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. ( )Peggy Lee Big Spender  The Best Of Peggy Lee    
 2. Peggy Lee -  Rendezvous with Peggy Lee    
 3. Peggy Lee Is That All There Is  The Best of Miss Peggy Lee    
 4. bluffcosm.com/daily Daily Podcast From Another Place #62  Peggy's Playroom  
 5. John Barry Teenager In Love  Peggy Sue Got Married  
 6. Bette Midler Big Spender  Sings The Peggy Lee Songbook    
 7. Bette Midler Big Spender  Sings The Peggy Lee Songbook    
 8. Glenda Farrell Buzzy Bear and Peggy Penguin  Buzzy Bear and Peggy Penguin  
 9. Ben Peck Knockin on Heaven's Door  Aunt Peggy's Peanut Butter Balls  
 10. Hannah Weiner Clairvoyant Journal March-74  Performed by Regina Beck, Sharon Mattlin, Peggy De Coursey, and Hannah Weiner.  
 11. Hannah Weiner Clairivoyant Jnl April 1972  Performed by Regina Beck, Sharon Mattlin, Peggy De Coursey, and Hannah Weiner.  
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